
電子化檔案使用 Oracle SQL 代碼來表示,下文取自數據庫的源碼,she攝 hu呼 deng等 niu聲紐 yunbu韻部。

原文由 Leimaau 所作,利用中古切韻音系至現代方言的演化規律自動推導大致的理論參攷音。演化規律從現實語言中總結得越完善,則推導出的理論音就越接近實際音,所以這是一個隨着研究深入不斷改善的系統。各文獻提供的演變規律祇是一個輪廓,實際的細化規律由筆者通過經驗補充。另外這個版本的《集韻》開合與《廣韻》不同,比如咸山攝幫組《集韻》合口而《廣韻》開口,宕攝三等來母《集韻》合口而《廣韻》開口,故而《集韻》有些字開合推導未必正確,需要對照反切。將來有更合適推導的《集韻》電子版本再更新。

-- 中古切韻音系至南寧白話演化關係
create or replace view v_nbdict_202109_gy as
select tab_id,word trad,
case when niu='幫' then
  case when (she='通' and hu='合' and deng='三' and tone ='入') or (yunbu='東' and deng='三') or yunbu in('鍾','微','廢','虞','文','元','陽','尤','凡','燭','物','月','藥','乏') then 'f' else 'b' end
when niu='滂' then
  case when (she='通' and hu='合' and deng='三' and tone ='入') or (yunbu='東' and deng='三') or yunbu in('鍾','微','廢','虞','文','元','陽','尤','凡','燭','物','月','藥','乏') then 'f' else 'p' end
when niu='並' then
  case when (she='通' and hu='合' and deng='三' and tone ='入') or (yunbu='東' and deng='三') or yunbu in('鍾','微','廢','虞','文','元','陽','尤','凡','燭','物','月','藥','乏') then 'f'
  else case when tone='平' then 'p' else 'b' end end
when niu='明' then 'm'
when niu='端' then 'd'
when niu='透' then 't'
when niu='定' then case when tone='平' then 't' else 'd' end
when niu='泥' then 'n'
when niu='來' then 'l'
when niu in('知','精','莊','章') then 'z'
when niu in('徹','清','初','昌') then 'c'
when niu in('澄','從','崇') then case when tone='平' then 'c' else 'z' end
when niu='邪' then
  case when tone='平' and she in('山','臻') and deng='三' then 'sl'
  when tone in('上','去','入') then 'z'
  else 'c' end
when niu='娘' then 'n'
when niu='心' then
  case when (she='止' and hu='開' and deng='三' and not(yunbu='支' and tone='上')) --斯徙
  or (she='止' and hu='合' and deng='三' and tone='上') --髓
  or (she='蟹' and hu='開' and deng='一' and tone='去') --賽
  or (she='山' and hu='開' and deng='一' and tone='平') then 's' --珊
  else 'sl' end
when niu in('生','禪','書','船') then 's'
when niu='日' then 'j'
when niu='見' then 'g'
when niu='溪' then
  case when yunbu='模' then 'f'
  when hu='開' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when she in('果','假') or (yunbu='侯' and tone<>'上') or yunbu in('燭','屑','薛','佳','皆','齊','宵','支','覺','陽','藥') or (deng='三' and yunbu='陌') or (yunbu in('唐','咍') and tone='去') then 'k'
    when yunbu in('尤','緝') then 'j'
    else 'h' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when she='臻' and deng='三' and yunbu='文' then 'kw'
    when she in('果','遇','止','假','梗','宕') or yunbu in('皆','佳','祭','齊','屑','薛','魂','月','真') then 'k'
    when she='曾' and deng='一' and yunbu='登' then 'w'
    else 'h' end
when niu='群' then case when tone='平' then 'k' else 'g' end
when niu='疑' then 'ng'
when niu='曉' then
  case when yunbu='模' then 'f'
  when hu='開' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when yunbu in('燭','尤') then 'j'
    when yunbu='侯' and tone='去' then 'k'
    else 'h' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when (she='梗' and deng='二' and yunbu in('庚','耕')) or (she='曾' and deng='一' and yunbu='登') or yunbu in('職','錫','昔') then 'gw'
    when she='止' or (yunbu='寒' and tone='去') or yunbu in('文','魂','祭','齊','廢') or (she='蟹' and deng='二') then 'w'
    when (she='宕' and deng='三' and (tone='去' or tone='入')) or (she='宕' and deng='一' and tone='入') then 'k'
    when she in('通','遇','梗','曾') or (she in('果','山') and deng in('三','四')) or (deng='三' and not(she='宕' and tone='上')) then 'h'
    else 'f' end
when niu='匣' then
  case when yunbu='模' then 'w'
  when hu='開' and yunbu<>'模' then 'h'
    --case when (she='山' and deng='四' and tone<>'入') or (she='梗' and deng='四' and tone='平') then 'j' else 'h' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' and deng in('一','二') then
    case when she='通' then 'h' else 'w' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' and deng in('三','四') then
    case when she='通' then 'j'
    when she='咸' then 'h' else 'w' end
    --case when (she='山' and deng='四') or (she='梗' and deng='四' and tone='平') then 'j' else 'w' end
when niu in('影','云','以') then
  case when yunbu='模' then 'w'
  when hu='開' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when deng in('三','四') and not(niu='影' and she='蟹') then 'j'
    when deng='二' and niu='云' then 'w'
    when deng in('一','二') and niu='以' then 'j' else '' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' and deng in('一','二') then
    case when she='通' then '' else 'w' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' and deng in('三','四') then
    case when she in('通','果') or (niu='以' and she='蟹') or (niu in('影','云') and she='咸') then 'j' else 'w' end
end shengmu,
case when she='通' then
  case when yunbu in('東','冬','鍾') then 'ung' else 'uk' end
when she='江' then
  case when yunbu='江' then
    case when niu in('初','生') and tone<>'入' then 'oeng' else 'ong' end
  else case when niu in('影') then 'ak' else 'ok' end end
when she='止' then
  case when niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'i'
  when hu='開' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then
    case when niu in('精','清','從','心','邪','莊','初','崇','生') and deng='三' then
      case when yunbu='支' and tone='上' and niu in('心','生') then 'ai' else 'y' end
    else 'i' end
  when hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then
    case when niu in('見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣','云','以') then 'ai' else 'ui' end
when she='遇' then
  case when yunbu in('魚','虞') then
    case when niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'u'
    when niu in('莊','初','崇','生') then 'o'
    else 'yu' end
    case when niu='疑' then '' else 'u' end
when she='蟹' then
  case when yunbu='齊' then 'ai'
  when yunbu='祭' then
    case when hu='合' and niu='以' then 'ui'
    when hu='合' and niu not in('見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣','云','以') then 'ui'
    else 'ai' end
  when yunbu='泰' then
    case when niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'ui' else
      case when hu='開' then
        case when niu in('見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣','精','清','從','心','邪','泥','娘') then 'oi' else 'aai' end
      when hu='合' then
        case when niu='疑' then 'oi' else 'ui' end
  when yunbu in('佳','皆','夬') then 'aai'
  when yunbu='灰' then
    case when niu='疑' then 'ai' else 'ui' end
  when yunbu='咍' then
    case when niu in('幫','滂','並','明','以') then 'ui' else 'oi' end
  when yunbu='廢' then 'ai' end
when she='臻' then
  case when yunbu in('真','臻','文','欣','魂','痕') then
    case when yunbu='魂' and niu in('精','清','從','心','邪') then 'yun'
    when yunbu='魂' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'un'
    when hu='合' and deng='三' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明','見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣','云','以') then 'yun'
    else 'an' end
    case when yunbu='沒' and niu in('精','清','從','心','邪') then 'yut'
    when yunbu='沒' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'ut'
    when hu='合' and deng='三' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明','見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣','云','以') then 'yut'
    else 'at' end
when she='山' then
  case when yunbu in('寒','刪','山','仙','先','元') then
    case when yunbu='元' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'aan'
    when yunbu='元' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='開' then 'in'
    when yunbu='元' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='合' then 'yun'
    when yunbu='寒' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'un'
    when yunbu='寒' and hu='開' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then
      case when niu in('見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣') then 'on' else 'aan' end
    when yunbu='寒' and hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then
      case when niu in('見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣') then 'un' else 'yun' end
    when yunbu in('刪','山') then 'aan'
      --case when deng='二' and niu in('見','溪','疑','曉','匣') then 'en' else 'aan' end
    when yunbu in('仙','先') and hu='開' then 'in'
    when yunbu in('仙','先') and hu='合' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'in'
    when yunbu in('仙','先') and hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'yun' end
    case when yunbu='月' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'aat'
    when yunbu='月' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='開' then 'it'
    when yunbu='月' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='合' then 'yut'
    when yunbu='曷' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'ut'
    when yunbu='曷' and hu='開' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then
      case when niu in('見','溪','群','曉','匣') then 'ot' else 'aat' end
    when yunbu='曷' and hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then
      case when niu in('見','溪','群','疑','曉','匣') then 'ut' when niu='影' then 'aat' else 'yut' end
    when yunbu in('鎋','黠') then
      case when niu='匣' and hu='開' then 'at' else 'aat' end
      --case when (deng='二' and niu in('見','溪','疑','曉','匣')) or (yunbu='黠' and niu='幫') then 'et' else 'aat' end
    when yunbu in('屑','薛') and hu='開' then 'it'
    when yunbu in('屑','薛') and hu='合' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'it'
    when yunbu in('屑','薛') and hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'yut' end
when she='效' then
  case when yunbu in('蕭','宵') then 'iu'
  --when yunbu='肴' and niu<>'曉' then 'eu'
  when yunbu='肴' then 'aau'
  when yunbu='豪' and niu<>'溪' then 'u'
  when yunbu='豪' and niu='溪' then 'aau' end
when she='果' then
  case when deng='一' then 'o'
  when hu='合' and deng='三' then 'oe' else 'e' end
when she='假' then
  case when deng='二' then 'aa' else 'e' end
when she='宕' then
  case when yunbu in ('陽','唐') then
    case when hu='開' and deng='三' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明','莊','初','崇','生') then 'oeng'
    when hu='合' and deng='三' and niu='來' and she='宕' then 'oeng' else 'ong' end
    case when hu='開' and deng='三' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明','莊','初','崇','生') then 'oek'
    when hu='合' and deng='三' and niu='來' and she='宕' then 'oek'
    when yunbu='鐸' and tone='去' then 'aau' -- 應歸入肴韻
    else 'ok' end
when she='梗' then
  case when yunbu in ('清','青','庚','耕') then
    case when yunbu in ('清','青')  or (yunbu='庚' and deng='三' and niu not in('莊','初','崇','生')) then 'ing' else
      case when niu not in('影','見','曉') and deng='二' and not(niu in('匣','溪') and tone in('去','上')) then 'aang'
      when niu in('莊','初','崇','生') and deng='三' then 'aang'
      else 'ang' end
    case when yunbu in ('昔','錫')  or (yunbu='陌' and deng='三' and niu not in('莊','初','崇','生')) then 'ik' else
      case when niu not in('影','明','娘','孃') and deng='二' then 'aak'
      when niu in('莊','初','崇','生') and deng='三' then 'aak'
      else 'ak' end
when she='曾' then
  case when yunbu='登' then 'ang'
  when yunbu='蒸' then 'ing'
  when yunbu='德' then 'ak'
  when yunbu='職' then 'ik' end
when she='流' then 'au'
when she='深' then
  case when yunbu='侵' then 'am' else 'ap' end
when she='咸' then
  case when yunbu in('覃','談','鹽','添','嚴','咸','銜','凡') then
    case when yunbu in('覃','談') and niu in('見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣','云','以','日') then 'am'
    when (yunbu in('鹽','添','嚴') and deng<>'二') or (hu='開' and deng='三') or (niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='合' and deng='三') then 'im'
    --when yunbu in('銜','咸') and niu in('莊','初','崇','見','溪','曉','匣') then 'em'
    else 'aam' end
    case when yunbu in('合','盍') and niu in('見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣','云','以','日') then 'ap'
    when yunbu in('葉','怗','業') or (hu='開' and deng='三') or (niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='合' and deng='三') then 'ip'
    --when yunbu in('狎','洽') and niu in('見','莊','初','崇','生','知','徹','澄','娘') then 'ep'
    else 'aap' end
end yunmu,
case when niu in('並','奉','定','澄','從','邪','崇','船','禪','群','匣','明','泥','來','娘','日','疑','以','云') then
  case when tone ='平' then '4'
  when tone ='上' then
    case when niu in('並','奉','定','澄','從','邪','崇','船','禪','群','匣') then '6'
    when niu in('明','泥','來','娘','日','疑','以','云') then '5' end
  when tone in ('去','入') then '6' end
  case when tone ='平' then '1'
  when tone='上' then '2'
  when tone='去' then '3'
  when tone='入' then
    -- 清紐外轉字
    case when she in('咸','山','江','宕') or (she='梗' and deng='二') then
      case when she='咸' and deng='一' and niu='影' then '1'
      when she='江' and niu='影' then '1'
      when she='梗' and niu='影' then '1' else '3' end
    when niu in('莊','初','崇','生') and deng='三' and she='梗' then '3'
    else '1' end
end shengdiao,
from tab_gy_jy_dong

create or replace view v_nbdict_infer as
select tab_id,trad,simp,ipa_t ipa_s,ipa_t,u1.jyutping,sour,expl,note from (
  select tab_id,trad,simp,replace(replace(replace(
  --njik>nik  njip>nip  njit>nit  njoek>noek
  'ngut','wut'),'ngun','wun'),'hwa','fa'),'hui','fui'),'hut','fut') jyutping,sour,expl,note
  from (
    select tab_id,trad,trad simp,
    case when shengmu ='g' and hu='合' and yunmu not like 'u%' and yunmu not like 'o%' and yunmu not like 'yu%' and yunmu not like 'im%' then 'gw'
    when shengmu ='k' and hu='合' and yunmu not like 'u%' and yunmu not like 'o%' and yunmu not like 'yu%' and yunmu not like 'ing%' and yunmu not like 'im%' then 'kw'
    when shengmu ='h' and hu='合' and yunmu not like 'u%' and yunmu not like 'o%' and yunmu not like 'yu%' and yunmu not like 'i%' then 'hw'
    when shengmu ='h' and yunmu='un' then 'f'
    else shengmu end shengmu,
    case when shengmu in('b','p','m','f') and yunmu like '%m' then substr(yunmu,1,length(yunmu)-1)||'n'
    when shengmu in('b','p','m','f') and yunmu like '%p' then substr(yunmu,1,length(yunmu)-1)||'t'
    else yunmu end yunmu,
    --南寧 詠泳咏 濁去作上
    case when niu in('云','匣') and hu='合' and yunbu='庚' and tone='去' then '5' else shengdiao end shengdiao
    ,'' sour,expl,note
    from  v_nbdict_202109_gy
    order by tab_id)
)u1,tab_jyutping_ipa u2
where u1.jyutping=u2.jyutping(+)

-- 中古切韻音系至南寧平話演化關係
create or replace view v_nbdict_202109_gy_bw as
select tab_id,word trad,
case when niu='幫' then
  case when (she='通' and hu='合' and deng='三' and tone ='入') or (yunbu='東' and deng='三') or yunbu in('鍾','微','廢','虞','文','元','陽','尤','凡','燭','物','月','藥','乏') then 'f' else 'b' end
when niu='滂' then
  case when (she='通' and hu='合' and deng='三' and tone ='入') or (yunbu='東' and deng='三') or yunbu in('鍾','微','廢','虞','文','元','陽','尤','凡','燭','物','月','藥','乏') then 'f' else 'p' end
when niu='並' then
  case when (she='通' and hu='合' and deng='三' and tone ='入') or (yunbu='東' and deng='三') or yunbu in('鍾','微','廢','虞','文','元','陽','尤','凡','燭','物','月','藥','乏') then 'f' else 'b' end
when niu='明' then
  case when yunbu in('虞','文') then 'f' else 'm' end
when niu='端' then 'd'
when niu='透' then 't'
when niu='定' then 'd'
when niu='泥' then 'n'
when niu='來' then 'l'
when niu in('知','精','莊','章') then 'z'
when niu in('徹','清','初','昌') then 'c'
when niu in('澄','從','崇') then 'z'
when niu='邪' then
  case when tone='平' and she in('山','臻') and deng='三' then 'sl' else 'z' end
when niu='娘' then 'n'
when niu='心' then
  case when (she='止' and hu='合' and deng='三' and tone='上') --髓
  or (she='蟹' and hu='開' and deng='一' and tone='去') --賽
  or (she='山' and hu='開' and deng='一' and tone='平') then 's' --珊
  else 'sl' end
when niu in('生','禪','書','船') then 's'
when niu='日' then 'nj'
when niu='見' then 'g'
when niu='溪' then
  case when yunbu='模' then 'h'
  when hu='開' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when she in('果','假') or (yunbu='侯' and tone<>'上') or yunbu in('燭','屑','薛','佳','皆','齊','宵','支','覺','陽','藥') or (deng='三' and yunbu='陌') or (yunbu in('唐','咍') and tone='去') or (she='果' and hu='開') then 'k'
    when yunbu in('尤','緝') then 'j'
    else 'h' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when she='臻' and deng='三' and yunbu='文' then 'kw'
    when she in('果','遇','止','假','梗','宕') or yunbu in('皆','佳','祭','齊','屑','薛','魂','月','真') then 'k'
    when she='曾' and deng='一' and yunbu='登' then 'w'
    else 'h' end
when niu='群' then 'g'
when niu='疑' then 'ng'
when niu='曉' then
  case when yunbu='模' then 'h'
  when hu='開' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when yunbu in('燭','尤') then 'j'
    when yunbu='侯' and tone='去' then 'k'
    else 'h' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when (she='梗' and deng='二' and yunbu in('庚','耕')) or (she='曾' and deng='一' and yunbu='登') or yunbu in('職','錫','昔') then 'gw'
    when she='止' or (yunbu='寒' and tone='去') or yunbu in('文','魂','祭','齊','廢') then 'w'
    when (she='宕' and deng='三' and (tone='去' or tone='入')) or (she='宕' and deng='一' and tone='入') then 'k'
    else 'h' end
when niu='匣' then
  case when yunbu='模' then 'h'
  when hu='開' and yunbu<>'模' then 'h'
    --case when (she='山' and deng='四' and tone<>'入') or (she='梗' and deng='四' and tone='平') then 'j' else 'h' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' and deng in('一','二') then
    case when she in('通','果','宕') then 'h' else 'w' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' and deng in('三','四') then
    case when she='通' then 'j'
    when she='咸' then 'h' else 'w' end
    --case when (she='山' and deng='四') or (she='梗' and deng='四' and tone='平') then 'j' else 'w' end
when niu in('影','云','以') then
  case when yunbu='模' then 'w'
  when hu='開' and yunbu<>'模' then
    case when deng in('三','四') and not(niu='影' and she in('蟹','曾','梗','臻','通')) then 'j'
    when deng='二' and niu='云' then 'w'
    when deng in('一','二') and niu='以' then 'j' else '' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' and deng in('一','二') then
    case when she in('通','果','宕') then '' else 'w' end
  when hu='合' and yunbu<>'模' and deng in('三','四') then
    case when she in('通','果') or (niu='以' and she='蟹') or (niu in('影','云') and she='咸') or (she='梗' and deng='四') then
      case when niu='影' and she in('通','果') then '' else 'j' end
    else 'w' end
end shengmu,
case when she='通' then
  case when yunbu in('東','冬','鍾') then 'oeng' else 'oek' end
when she='江' then
  case when yunbu='江' then
    case when niu in('知','徹','澄','娘','莊','初','崇','生','明') then 'ung' else 'aang' end
    case when niu in('知','徹','澄','娘','莊','初','崇','生','明') then 'uk' else 'aak' end
when she='止' then
  case when niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'i'
  when hu='開' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then
    case when niu in('精','清','從','心','邪','莊','初','崇','生') and deng='三' then
      case when yunbu='支' and tone='上' and niu in('心','生') then 'ai' else 'i' end
    else 'i' end
  when hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then
    case when niu in('見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣','云','以') then 'ai' else 'ui' end
when she='遇' then
  case when yunbu in('魚','虞') then
    case when niu in('莊','初','崇','生','幫','滂','並','明') then 'u' else 'yu' end  --莊組部分字o
  else 'u' end
when she='蟹' then
  case when yunbu='齊' then 'ai'
  when yunbu='祭' then
    case when hu='合' and niu='以' then 'ui'
    when hu='合' and niu not in('見','溪','群','疑','影','曉','匣','云','以') then 'ui'
    else 'ai' end
  when yunbu='泰' then
    case when niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'ui' else
      case when hu='開' then 'aai'
      when hu='合' then
        case when niu='疑' then 'waai' else 'ui' end
  when yunbu in('佳','皆','夬') then 'aai'
  when yunbu='灰' then
    case when niu='疑' then 'ai' else 'ui' end
  when yunbu='咍' then
    case when niu in('幫','滂','並','明','以') then 'ui' else 'aai' end
  when yunbu='廢' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'i' else 'ai' end
when she='臻' then
  case when yunbu in('真','臻','文','欣','魂','痕') then
    case when yunbu='魂' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明','精','清','從','心','邪') then 'un' else 'an' end
      when yunbu='沒' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'ut' else 'at' end
when she='山' then
  case when yunbu in('寒','刪','山','仙','先','元') then
    case when yunbu='元' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'aan'
    when yunbu='元' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='開' then 'in'
    when yunbu='元' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='合' then 'yun'
    when yunbu='寒' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'un'
    when yunbu='寒' and hu='開' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'aan'
    when yunbu='寒' and hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'un'
    when yunbu in('刪','山') then 'aan'
    when yunbu in('仙','先') and hu='開' then 'in'
    when yunbu in('仙','先') and hu='合' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'in'
    when yunbu in('仙','先') and hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'yun' end
    case when yunbu='月' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'aat'
    when yunbu='月' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='開' then 'it'
    when yunbu='月' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='合' then 'yut'
    when yunbu='曷' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'ut'
    when yunbu='曷' and hu='開' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'aat'
    when yunbu='曷' and hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then
      case when niu='影' then 'aat' else 'ut' end
    when yunbu in('鎋','黠') then
      case when niu='匣' and hu='開' then 'at' else 'aat' end
    when yunbu in('屑','薛') and hu='開' then 'it'
    when yunbu in('屑','薛') and hu='合' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'it'
    when yunbu in('屑','薛') and hu='合' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'yut' end
when she='效' then
  case when yunbu in('蕭','宵') then 'iu'
  when yunbu in('肴','豪') then 'aau' end
when she='果' then
  case when deng='一' and hu='開' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'o'
  when deng='一' and hu='開' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'u'
  when deng='一' and hu='合' then 'u'
  when deng='三' and hu='合' then 'oe' else 'e' end
when she='假' then
  case when deng='二' then 'aa' else 'e' end
when she='宕' then
  case when yunbu in ('陽','唐') then
    case when hu='開' and deng='三' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明','莊','初','崇','生') then 'iang' else
      case when hu='開' and (deng<>'三' or niu in('幫','滂','並','明','莊','初','崇','生')) then 'aang'
      when hu='合' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') and deng='一' then 'aang'
      when hu='合' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') and deng='三' then 'ung'
      when hu='合' and deng='三' and niu='來' then 'iang' else 'ung' end
    case when hu='開' and deng='三' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'iak' else
      case when yunbu='鐸' and tone='去' then 'aau' -- 應歸入肴韻
      when hu='開' and deng='一' and niu='明' then 'oek'
      when hu='開' and deng<>'三' and niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') then 'aak'
      when hu='合' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') and deng='一' then 'aak'
      when hu='合' and niu in('幫','滂','並','明') and deng='三' then 'uk'
      when hu='合' and deng='三' and niu='來' then 'iak' else 'uk' end
when she='梗' then
  case when yunbu in ('清','青','庚','耕') then
    case when yunbu in ('清','青')  or (yunbu='庚' and deng='三' and niu not in('莊','初','崇','生')) then 'ing' else
      case when niu not in('影','見','曉','幫','滂','並') and deng='二' then 'iang'
      when niu in('莊','初','崇','生') and deng='三' then 'iang'
      else 'ang' end
    case when yunbu in ('昔','錫')  or (yunbu='陌' and deng='三' and niu not in('莊','初','崇','生')) then 'ik' else
      case when (niu in('莊','初','崇','生') and deng='三') or deng='二' then 'iak' else 'ak' end
when she='曾' then
  case when yunbu='登' then 'ang'
  when yunbu='蒸' then 'ing'
  when yunbu='德' then 'ak'
  when yunbu='職' then 'ik' end
when she='流' then 'au'
when she='深' then
  case when yunbu='侵' then 'am' else 'ap' end
when she='咸' then
  case when yunbu in('覃','談','鹽','添','嚴','咸','銜','凡') then
    case when (yunbu in('鹽','添','嚴') and deng<>'二') or (hu='開' and deng='三') or (niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='合' and deng='三') then 'im' else 'aam' end
    case when yunbu in('葉','怗','業') or (hu='開' and deng='三') or (niu not in('幫','滂','並','明') and hu='合' and deng='三') then 'ip'
    when yunbu in('合','盍') and niu in('影','疑') then 'ap' else 'aap' end
end yunmu,
case when niu in('並','奉','定','澄','從','邪','崇','船','禪','群','匣','明','泥','來','娘','日','疑','以','云') then
  case when tone ='平' then '4'
  when tone ='上' then
    case when niu in('並','奉','定','澄','從','邪','崇','船','禪','群','匣') then '6'
    when niu in('明','泥','來','娘','日','疑','以','云') then '5' end
  when tone='去' then '6'
  when tone='入' then
    case when niu in('明','泥','來','娘','日','疑','以','云') then '5' else '6' end
  case when tone ='平' then '1'
  when tone='上' then '2'
  when tone='去' then '3'
  when tone='入' then '2' end
end shengdiao,niu,yunbu,she,hu,deng,tone,expl,note
from tab_gy_jy_dong

create or replace view v_nbdict_infer_bw as
select tab_id,trad,simp,ipa_t ipa_s,ipa_t,u1.jyutping,sour,expl,note from (
  select tab_id,trad,simp,replace(replace(replace(replace(
  'njing','nging'),'njik','nik'),'njip','nip'),'njit','nit'),'njiang','ngiang'),'njiak','ngiak') jyutping,sour,expl,note
  --njing>nging  njik>nik  njip>nip  njit>nit  njiang>ngiang  njiak>ngiak
  from (
    select tab_id,trad,trad simp,
    case when shengmu ='g' and hu='合' and yunmu not like 'u%' and yunmu not like 'o%' and yunmu not like 'yu%' and yunmu not like 'im%' then 'gw'
    when shengmu ='k' and hu='合' and yunmu not like 'u%' and yunmu not like 'o%' and yunmu not like 'yu%' and yunmu not like 'ing%' and yunmu not like 'im%' then 'kw'
    when shengmu ='h' and hu='合' and yunmu not like 'u%' and yunmu not like 'o%' and yunmu not like 'yu%' and yunmu not like 'i%' then 'hw'
    when shengmu ='w' and (yunmu='ung' or yunmu='uk') then ''
    else shengmu end shengmu,
    case when shengmu in('b','p','m','f') and yunmu like '%m' then substr(yunmu,1,length(yunmu)-1)||'n'
    when shengmu in('b','p','m','f') and yunmu like '%p' then substr(yunmu,1,length(yunmu)-1)||'t'
    else yunmu end yunmu,
    --南寧 詠泳咏 濁去作上
    case when niu in('云','匣') and hu='合' and yunbu='庚' and tone='去' then '5' else shengdiao end shengdiao
    ,'' sour,expl,note
    from  v_nbdict_202109_gy_bw
    order by tab_id)
)u1,tab_jyutping_ipa_bw u2
where u1.jyutping=u2.jyutping(+)